Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Posted by Katarina on January 1, 2016 in Digest&Manifest Food For Thought Health Coaching Inspire&Acquire



Your Friday Food For Thought: New Year Resolutions are unhelpful.

Around 7 million of us will make a New Year’s Resolution to improve an aspect of our health.

25% abandon their New Year’s resolution after one week
60% of people abandon them within six months
the average person makes the same New Year’s resolution 10 separate times without success
Clearly New Year’s resolutions do not have a good rep of being fruitful.

Two years ago instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions I decided to focus on what I’d like to feel in my year ahead and picked a one word theme for my year.

2014 was SHINE
2015 was TRUST
2016 I picked ENJOYMENT

I started by writing down what I think I’d like to do and goals I’d like to meet. Then shifted to asking myself how I’d feel once I accomplished those things. Ultimately, that’s why we do anything; to feel a certain way.

So, I circled a few feelings that jumped out at me, then just picked one that felt the best. The last two years I worried about picking the right or best word but I’m here to tell you, you can’t go wrong. Don’t worry about being perfect, just choose one and try it on for a bit, see how that decision feels. It’s sort of like trying on new clothes, once you get a feel for it, you can get a better sense of what speaks to you the most. But you can’t go wrong!

The word you pick will help guide you towards your goals, decisions and actions in your year. What are some words to describe how you’d like to feel in 2016? Share with me on Facebook or just reply to this email.

Your healthy challenge for the week: Don’t set a New Year’s Resolution, instead pick a word or feeling as a theme for your year.

If you think your word or feeling could be fresh, bold, vibrant, loving, energized, aware, present, strong, courageous or something along those lines, let your word guide you into action and join me for the FREE Clean Eating 30 Day Challenge. I’ll give you lots of tips & tools to make healthy eating and living easy in 2016. Once you sign up, you’ll get a food guideline list, reasons why clean eating is important and the 3 Step Process to be successful. There will even be discounts, coupons & prizes!